Kindle Unlimited
With Kindle Unlimited, you can read as much as you want, choosing from over 700,000 titles and thousands of audiobooks. From mysteries and romance to sci-fi and more, freely explore new authors, books, and genres on any device for just $9.99 a month. Try Kindle Unlimited free for 30 days.
Lowest book prices
Shop the Kindle Store for millions of books, newspapers, and magazines. Over one million titles are priced at $4.99 or less. Over two million are $9.99 or less.
Share with friends on Goodreads
Find your next favorite book. Now the world's largest e-reading community can connect with the world's largest community of book lovers. Join over 30 million other readers and see what your friends are reading, share highlights, and rate the books you read with Goodreads on your Fire tablet.
Kindle MatchBook
For thousands of qualifying books, your past, present, and future print-edition purchases allow you to buy the Kindle or Fire tablet edition for $2.99 or less.
With Text-to-Speech, Fire tablets can read English-language content out loud to you, when available from the publisher.
Textbooks for less
College is expensive, but textbooks don't have to be. Save up to 80% when you rent and up to 60% when you buy eTextbooks. Carry less and study anywhere.
Vibrant HD magazines
Our new and improved interactive magazine experience allows you to start reading in just a few seconds with access to any back issue at any time on the cloud. Plus, most Kindle Magazines come with a 30-day free trial.
Exclusive Kindle titles
Hundreds of thousands of exclusive titles that you won't be able to find anywhere else, including books by best-selling authors such as Kurt Vonnegut, Ian Fleming, Oliver Pötzsch, and Arthur C. Clarke.
Immersion Reading
With Immersion Reading, Fire tablets can synchronize Kindle text with companion Audible audiobooks with real-time highlighting to create a more immersive reading experience.
X-Ray for books and textbooks
Tap on any page as you read to access X-Ray, an easy way to uncover more from the books and textbooks you love. Instantly find chapters and locations that mention ideas, characters, and important places, as well as background info, biographies, and more from YouTube and Wikipedia.