Car stereo installation service from HSN is one of a kind where our extremely able tech team will take care of your car and install the kind of stereo system you want to install in your car.
How to order:
All you need to do is place your order for the car stereo installation service and our representative will be at your doorstep within the mentioned availability time.
How we do it:
Upon arrival, one of our able team members will take a look at your car and will then ask for your needs and what kind of system you want to get installed. He will then quote you a price for it depending on the quality and made and will then provide you an estimated time. He will then take your car for the installation of stuff you have ordered to and will then return your car within the estimated time.
Availability of the Service:
This service is currently available only in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad at the moment.