The all-new Fourth Edition of Pathology of Domestic Animals comprehensively covers the biology and pathology of diseases of domestic animals on a systemic basic. Updated and expanded to reflect the current knowledge of the study of domestic animal diseases, this three-volume set appeals to veterinarians, veterinary students, trainee veterinary pathologists learning the scope of their field, and practicing pathologists confronted with diagnostic problems.
Improvements over the Third Edition:
Classic pathology reference for students, teachers, and researchers in veterinary medicine
Volume 2: The Alimentary System, I.K. Barker, A.A. Van Dreumel, and N. Palmer. The Liver and Biliary System, W.R. Kelly. The Pancreas, K.V.F. Jubb. The Peritoneum and Retroperitoneum, I.K. Barker. The Urinary System, M.G. Maxie and with a contribution by J.F. Prescott. The Respiratory System, D.L. Dungworth. Chapter References. Index.